The Annual General Meeting was held on Monday the 3rd February 2014 at Fox's Social Club.

Present:         All clubs in membership of the League.

Obituaries:    J. Barcroft (Checkley), K. Rathbone, A. Gilbert, J. Bloor (all of Cheadle), S. Talbot (Henhurst), G.Edwards (Hatton) A. Williams (Kingsley) and J. Dover (Ashbourne Park).

A minutes silence was held in their memory before the meeting commenced,


Minutes:         B. Copeland (Result Secretary). Proposed, the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting as circulated to all Clubs, be accepted as a fair account of the meeting. K. Unwin (Kingsley) seconded this. All agreed.


Presidents Address:  President Roy Sandall thanked all who had helped during the past season,

the finals day was well attended and the presentation evening went well. He said it was nice to see all clubs present.

Chairmans Address:  Chairman Don Wood thanked President Roy for officiating with Thelma at the Presentation Evening also with Marilyn organising the raffle. To Jim for temporarily taking on the secretary's position at short notice. He also thanked Treasurer Joyce and Margaret for auditing the accounts. A big thank you to Barry for setting up his web site to keep us informed on fixtures and match results. And finally to all clubs who ran the competitions during the season. He congratulated the winners and thanked all who took part. He wished all an enjoyable season.

Treasurer's report:    In the absence of Joyce Tate (Treasurer), the statement of account was presented by M. Wood (Leek) who audited the accounts. She stated that the record of the accounts had been well kept and did not think the club and team fees need to be increased, but felt that the prize money for the competitions should. With no further comments or questions on the accounts, on the proposal of M. Sandall (Ashbourne Park) and seconded by P. Calladine (Sudbury) that the account be adopted. Carried.


Election of Officers:   Unless the position of secretary was filled then the League could not function. Chairman asked for nominations, with no response, Ken Unwin (Kingsley) did not want the League to fold and said he would give it a go and asked clubs to be patient with him if the meeting accepted him as secretary. The meeting accepted Ken's offer and gave him a good round of applause.

Roy Sandall (President) Don Wood (chairman) and Barry Copeland (Result and match Secretary) said they would stand to be re-elected and Joyce Tate (Treasurer) who was not in attendance had informed the Chairman that she would stand to be re-elected. There were no other nominations and all were re-elected to their positions. The Chairman said he would continue to represent the League at the Potteries & District County Bowling Association meetings.


Executive Committee:          

Saturday League. Division 1. M. Owen (Hatton). Division 2. E. Sellars (Kingsley). Division 3. R. Somerfield (Checkley). Vets League. Division 1. M. Sandall (Ashbourne Park). Division 2. J. Curwen (Doveridge).


Notices of motion:    Notices of motion had been circulated to all clubs prior to the meeting.


Results Secretary:      Replace rules 19, 20, and 21. Barry explained that his proposal to forfeit chalks could be changed on amendment being put forward. Acting secretary Jim Glover stated that notices of motion are accepted or rejected without amendment. This was supported by Hatton and Henhurst representatives. M.Owen (Hatton) stating that any amendment to a notice of motion must be made in writing to the League Secretary and circulated to all clubs before the AGM. On vote being taken. 18 in favour and 6 against.


Kingsley:        Rule 10. Ken Unwin explained this was to make it clear that clubs could enter more

than 1 team in this competition on payment of £5 per team and not club. On vote being taken. 28 in favour and none against.

JCB:                Rule 4(a) Competition rule.   Delete rule. On vote 21 in favour with 2 against.

JCB:                Rule 10(b). Reduce starred players in 'A' team from 5 to 4. On vote 15 in favour and 10 against.

The proposals from Checkley club was withdrawn.

Sudbury:        Rule 11. Start matches at 1.30pm and not 2pm on Saturdays. Received no support.

Fees:              Agreed these to remain the   same as last year. i.e. Club £10 and Team £10.

Honorariums: Proposed M.Owen (Hatton) and seconded by M. Hoare (Henhurst) these remain the same as last year. I.e. Secretary £100, Treasurer £100 and match Secretary £100. All agreed,


Prize money: Agreed division winners and runner-ups, also division average winners to remain the

same as last year. I.e. £40 winners, £30 runners-up and average winners Saturday league only £30. Competitions. Proposed M. Wood (Leek) and seconded by B. Copeland (Result Secretary). Singles winners £20 and runner-ups £15. Doubles Winners £40 (2 x £20) and runners-ups £30 (2 x£15). M. Owen (Hatton) Proposed amendment that the prize money paid out should not exceed entry fees. On vote being taken 25 were in favour of the proposition with none against.

Acceptances to the League: 

The Secretary checked with clubs on number of teams being

entered. Saturday League. JCB stated that they would be withdrawing a team. Vets League. Henhurst said they would be entering a team and Fox's said they would be entering a further team, both Clubs said they would only be able to play both their home and away games on a Monday. Secretary asked if everyone was happy with these games being played on a Monday. Proposed B, Copeland (result Secretary) and seconded by K. Wood (JCB) that these teams be accepted. Carried.

Saturday League 3 divisions, 10, 9 & 9 teams and Tuesday League, 2 divisions 10 & 11 teams. Start of season:    Saturday         26th April and Tuesday 29th April.

Mayfield Club said that the Crutchley Cup prize money had been given to Mayfield First responder.

M. Owen (Hatton) informed the meeting of a seminar being held at the Henhurst Club on the 20th March 2014 at 7.30 to discuss the rules of the game and anyone interested is welcome to attend.


M.Wood (Leek). Proposed a vote of thanks to Barry & Don for all the time they had put into the League during the past season, they were given a round of applause.

Next Management Committee Meeting will be held on 31st March 2014 at Fox's Social Club.

The 2015 Annual General Meeting will be held on 2nd February 2015.

The meeting closed at 9pm.